City of Ames seeks public input on future plans
September 25, 2010
The city of Ames will host several public input sessions in the next few weeks.
Departments of the city of Ames ask that the public attend these sessions so they can not only educate themselves on changes that will be made, but also to offer their diverse and unique insight.
The first meeting will be with the Ames Area Metropolitan Planning Organization on Wednesday, Sept. 29, which is looking for feedback on its Long Range Transportation Plan draft. The AAMPO staff will hear opinions and consider them for the final LRTP draft, which will be presented to the AAMPO Policy Committee on Tuesday, Oct. 12.
Damion Pregitzer, city of Ames traffic engineer, stressed the importance of the public’s attendance at this meeting, saying, “By hearing from as many people as possible, we feel our plan will best represent the needs of the community.”
The next meeting, also Wednesday, Sept. 29, is with representatives from LANE4, the property group that is creating a development concept for Campustown.
While LANE4 is still in the early stages of research on the project, developers will present ideas they have for the remodel, and they also will outline the next steps they will take. There will also be time for members of the Ames and ISU communities to voice their opinions.
Hunter Harris, director of development for LANE4, said, “The key to this project’s success is hearing from people who want to see Campustown reach its full potential.”
Finally, on Thursday, Sept. 30, the Ames Park and Recreation Commission looks to gather comments on upcoming improvement projects. Specifically, the group would like input on the fourth and fifth year of the city of Ames’ Capital Improvement Plan.