‘I wear denim for survivors of sexual assault and toxic relationships’
Sexual assault awareness ribbon.
April 16, 2019
“I believe that sexual assault awareness is important because it brings attention to the reality of sexual assault and what it looks like in our/your community – it also can spark conversation on how we can prevent it such incidences, what it is (for those who may be uninformed) and how we can ultimately support those who have experienced it in the past or present.
Also, I would wear denim to not only help bring awareness to a very prevalent issue but to also support those that are survivors of sexual assault and/or toxic relationships. Many women (or men) are often ostracized or rejected for their stories. Some are even afraid to tell their stories in the first place due to certain consequences they may feel or have been told will result if they say otherwise, and so I feel that letting it be known that there are people present who will listen and support them in any way possible is important.
Too many cases have been swept under the rug (which can be seen as of recent) or kept quiet, and so creating a space where people feel safe, should feel safe, to speak on what they’re going through is also important.”
-Jeremiah Reed, sophomore in biology