LANE4 speaks to GSB about Campustown renovation

Michaela Sickmann

Hunter Harris, LANE4 director of development and Owen Buckley, president of LANE4, came to speak about the Campustown renovation project at the weekly Government of the Student Body meeting.

Harris said they are doing everything to “better the student experience.” They have said they are always open to new input and have been around campus and the community trying to gain insight on what is needed and how people feel about Campustown.

Harris said they hope to retain Campustown’s identity and build off of what it already has.

“[We] hope to keep the character of Campustown,” Buckley said. “Local tenants businesses are their life and blood, it differentiates from other big businesses. We hope to keep the local, cool, different businesses. We hope to come in and put pedestrian traffic generators in to help the small businesses.”

Buckley said they are in the very first stages, but are very optimistic about the project.

They are hoping to have as much local and design involvement as possible. They are in the process of brainstorming. Any ideas regarding the project should be sent to them online.

LANE4 is currently contemplating a tenant relocation or assistant program. They are not sure what it would entail, but are working to figure it out. They hope to stay in communication with the businesses and work with them throughout the stages of development and renovation.
“We are really trying to keep the plan flexible for when and if they hit roadblocks,” Buckley said.
After the LANE4 presentation, GSB decided to help the ISU Baseball Club and grant them the $9,198.62 for their Turface. They hope to have the field last up to five years.
GSB also decided to help the Pakistan Student Association by providing $2,281.68 for cultural night, transportation to the cultural center in San Jose California, advertising in the Iowa State Daily, fundraising for flood victims help and general office supplies.  
The Student Union Board has the chance to bring Cirque d’Or Golden Dragon Acrobats to campus. The group features Chinese acrobats and would provide a family-oriented show that would appeal to the student body. SUB asked for $10,000 to help cover the cost of location and part of the performance fees.
The bill for the Acrobats didn’t pass and GSB will not provide any funds.