New service makes you think twice about your GPA

Heath Verhasselt

Ever since I was young, I always wondered how much better I would do in school if it was a like a job and I got some sort of payment for how hard I worked. Not to mention how that would change my attitude on my education. Fast forward 10 years and I’m still a student not getting paid to go to school, with only the prospect of someday landing a well-paying job as my motivation.

Well all of this could someday be changing with a new idea put forth by the owners of This is a service that helps you get paid for doing “good” or “bad” in school. Essentially, it has you find sponsors to pledge funds as you progress in school. So say, for example, a relative wants to pay $10 for every A you get and $5 for every B, this system does all of the work in that calculation and transfers the funds to you at the end of each semester.

This idea isn’t new as some parents already do this with their children, but what this service brings to the table is the idea of an employer or a scholarship fund sponsoring students as they go through school.

As job recruiters get more and more involved in the day-to-day activities of students, why shouldn’t they get involved with their grades?

Recruiters could sponsor potential employees and possibly look at hiring those with the best grades. This helps budget-strapped students get through college easier, and help potential employers find the best talent for their company.

This could change almost every students’ attitude toward school and bring to light how big of a role their work in school really is further down the road.

However, at what point do we draw the line? Does a potential employer have the right to be that involved in the academics of students, do relatives? We are adults after all. Whose responsibility should it be?

I really think this is a problem that will have to be addressed in the future. For now, I think getting paid is an amazing idea.