Letter: Congressman King needs to go

Who represents the values and interests of the people of Iowa’s Fifth Congressional District?

Congressman Steve King’s lone House vote — in opposition to recognition of the toil of slaves in building the White House — echoes from a long dead past that the Civil War and later civil rights movement should have long put to rest. But some bigotry slunk away to haunt petty minds in the swaps of backwater thinking. Now, the going gets a bit tough, and this political opportunist intends to spook it back to life in the shaken souls of those more readily moved by pessimism and fear than optimism and resolve.

King plays to kingdom come, Steve King’s kingdom, and one within his extremist camp, Michele Bachmann, even envisions him ruling from the Oval Office. In his self promotion, King and his ilk play to a warped sense of superior standing among some of God’s children, and if opportune, you too will become a target of his derision.

The bitter words and uncivil actions of this pretender to public service have focused national attention on who he is, where he comes from and who he represents.

At the ballot box in the light of election day, the hopeful youth and wise elders of the western slope of Iowa will display who they are, what they hope for and where they are going; others will naught but watch and see.