LETTERS: Daily needs to provide more equal coverage
April 24, 2010
I would just like to say I am disgusted by the way the Iowa State Daily is handling the death of two students. Jon Lacina and Travis Good had memorials on the same day and Jon got half the front page with pictures. Travis was barely mentioned.
The Daily asked us to send in pictures for Travis and said they would run a large collection of pictures of him. What did we see? One small picture that didn’t even show his face. What, was Travis’ death not exciting enough for you?
I am just ashamed of the Daily. I once thought of you as an informative collection of news and stories. I now see you as a gossip rag that just prints out what they think is “hot, exciting fluff.”
I assume you will not print this. I just wanted you to know that an entire class spent all afternoon talking about how bad we feel for Travis’ family because Jon seems to be so much more important to you of all. Pathetic.
Megan Van Horn is a senior in civil engineering.