GSB welcomes new officials, considers funding issues

Paige Godden —

Anthony Maly was confirmed as the new Government of the Student Body Finance Director at Wednesday’s meeting.

Maly listed some of the goals he would like to accomplish during his time in the GSB.

He wants to improve the online finance program groups use to submit budget, improve communications with student groups and enhance treasurer training to prevent confusion.

Maly also wants to be a resource for student organizations, and let them know GSB isn’t the only way they can get funding.

Matthew England was voted into the position of Ex-Officio Ames City Council Liaison after being appointed by GSB President Luke Roling.

England said he wants to keep the gateway of communication between students and the city of Ames open.

Richard Reynolds, director of the Memorial Union, gave a short presentation to the GSB Senate.

Reynolds showed a video on the history of the Memorial Union, which depicted how the Union was built.

Gail Ferlazzo, from the Union, said that the Gold Star Hall entrance of the Union will soon be open all night because a camera was recently installed.

Roling said that he is looking for students to head the peer to peer financial education project, which he has been working on throughout the year.

Roling also said he is looking for a group of core individuals who are willing to lead the group.

The GSB still has several position openings including a position on the Memorial Union Board, and associate justices opening.

A bill that would allocate $30,000 to the Varsity Theater lease was up for first read at the meeting.

Former Finance Director Tom Danielson said the lease should be finished soon, and the total number should be around the $30,000 mark.

The senate passed a bill that carried over funding to the committee on lectures.

The director from the committee on lectures said that funding from normal co-sponsorship may not be coming in next year.

The total amount carried over will probably be between $8,000 and $9,000.

Agriculture Senator Scott Henry was appointed to the special student fees and tuition committee, and Senator Byoungwoo Choi was appointed to the CyRide Board of Trustees.