LETTERS: Make your voices heard
April 18, 2010
I am not sure why you have a Facebook, I am not sure what you use it for. What I do know about you, is that you have probably joined or been invited to join at least one Facebook group protesting something. These were your actions: Upon being invited to the group, you likely visited the page, read about 20 words, agreed with all or part of the message and then you hit the join button. I believe that with that one simple mouse click, you likely let go of one of your most important rights as a U.S. citizen: The freedom to peacefully assemble.
You’re now thinking, what the hell are you talking about man, how did I give away a fundamental right of citizenship by joining a Facebook group? Well, friend, it is really quite simple. By joining this group you chose to protest by putting your picture next to some words on a Web site. Whoop-de-frickin-do, you chose to protest by clicking the mouse on your computer. Yeah man, you really voiced your opinion there, didn’t you?
In fact, you joined “Veishea + Wristband = Worst Idea Ever” three years ago. Last I checked, buddy, Veishea is still charging for these bullshit wristbands. Strangely, there are still almost 6,000 people in the group. Yeah guys, way to protest, way to join that group — you did a damn good job protesting.
You joined “Remove the chains from the ISU campus” back in 2007. News flash, maybe you haven’t noticed but ISU Facilities Planning and Management still has chains all over campus. But it’s OK, you protested, in fact, you’re 1 of 800 people still in the group.
You joined “I Oppose the ISU Recreation Renovation” in 2008. Not only is this gross misuse of student funds well underway, it is already raising your tuition. Only 70 members are still in this group. Kudos to the rest of you, I am sure you’ll be happy using that new skywalk between Beyer and State Gym — yeah, the one you’ll be paying for over the next 20 years.
You voiced your opinion about the chapel, you got mad at university administrator Tom Hill, you gave the finger to the ISU parking division and by far my personal favorite protest is against Doug Borkowski’s wasting of your valuable inbox space with his stupid weekly financial tip.
But you joined the Facebook group, so it’s OK, your voice was heard. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Fellow students, why are you letting Facebook take away your freedom to assemble?
Have you gotten out your megaphone and walked in front of President Gregory Geoffroy on his way to work yelling, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!” In the words of Rep. John Boehner, “Hell no, you haven’t!”
Have you gathered with 500 people to stand on the steps of the General Service’s Building to prevent maintenance workers from putting up more fences? “Hell no, you haven’t!”
Did you tie yourself to those trees that got torn down for the new marching band field? No, you didn’t.
Well, Facebook friends, “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!” Join me, join Howard Beale, join John Boehner; stand up for your freedom to assemble. Make noise, make your presence known, do it peacefully, but make it known. You’re not changing anything by joining a Facebook group.
Joseph Salvini is a senior in environmental science.