EDITORIAL: Make memories this Veishea week

Editorial Board

Concerts, comedians and movies are a great way to enjoy our campus and — knock on wood — warm spring weather.

But Veishea is about much more than just cheap entertainment.

Ask the alumni who come back during our spring celebration, to meet friends, receive Iowa State’s highest awards and bring their children to watch glassblowing demonstrations and mock medieval fights.

Ask those kids at the parade Saturday, as they sit in awe of the floats, our campus and the incredible opportunity of free candy. Many of these smallest of visitors turn into students and then alumni, and always remember their April visits to Iowa State.

Or ask the Veishea 2010 committee themselves. More than 100 students have spent countless hours, and the better part of two semesters, making the celebration a reality. They’ll continue to do so throughout this week, putting in long hours — including a 3 a.m. cleanup Saturday morning to make sure our campus is in tip-top shape for alumni and guests.

It’s labor driven by a love for this institution and for our unique, entirely student-run event.

Veishea is about making memories and celebrating Iowa State, and since 1922, thousands of students have taken part. They’ve paper mâché’d parade floats, organized displays, acted in productions and competed in canoe races.

One alumni couple — we kid you not — first met each other and found love during Veishea 1956.

Now it’s your turn for memory-making.

Be responsible this week,and respect our campus, our community and those for whom Veishea means so much.

And have fun. Enjoy Veishea 2010.