LETTERS: Don’t make false accusations
April 18, 2010
On Friday, while reading the Daily, I came across the opinion section and noticed a good number of letters relating to the seemingly racist article from Wednesday. Three of the four articles were completely satisfactory and agreeable. One even informed me that the original column by Trevor Boeckmann was a piece of satire, not a racist piece of journalism.
The letter that threw me off and offended me was “Outdated sources fall flat,” submitted by Paul Perkins. His reasoning on why the sources don’t hold water was entirely understandable. What irritated me about this opinion letter was that Mr. Perkins implied things that simply aren’t true.
In his letter, Perkins implied that Glenn Beck supports racism and is full of hatred for “liberal atheists” and would like Trevor Boeckmann on his show. That is an absolute lie about Glenn Beck. Being a conservative and opinionated person, I know full well who Glenn Beck is and what he stands for. I am 100 percent sure that Glenn Beck would absolutely not support the position imposed upon readers by Boeckmann.
As a Christian myself, I am also offended that Mr. Perkins implies that Christians hate atheists and those who don’t believe as they do. The Christians like me who understand and follow what the Bible actually teaches do not hate anyone. We are taught to love our enemies and pray for those who oppose us. This does not mean we pray that people believe what we believe, and it certainly shows we don’t “hate on liberal atheists,” or anyone for that matter.
So, Mr. Perkins, although I may not agree with your views or your beliefs, I would never state blatant lies about you or anyone you may support. It is an opinion column, not a slam book where you can speculate and accuse wrongfully.
Becky Abbas is a sophomore in animal science and pre-veterinary medicine.