LETTERS: Become educated on law, air grievances to police
April 19, 2010
The letter in yesterday’s opinion page titled “Bicyclists should stay off roads,” by Tom Rees, was in error.
Mr. Rees, I agree with you that bicyclists should not weave through traffic and engage in other such dangerous behaviors, as it is illegal, and that bicyclists should be held accountable, just as drivers are. However, it is wrong to say that bicyclists shouldn’t be allowed on roads at all.
According to the Iowa Department of Transportation, the law specifically says that bicyclists must follow all the rules that pertain to vehicles, including waiting in traffic at stops signs and the like. Also, the laws state that drivers must give bicyclists the right of way, at all times.
In addition, according to section 4.13 of the city of Ames ordinances:
It is unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle, tricycle or unicycle upon any sidewalk on the following streets: Main Street from Duff Avenue to Clark Avenue. Lincoln Way on the south side thereof from Stanton Avenue to Hayward Avenue. Hayward Avenue on the east side thereof from Lincoln Way to Hunt Street. Welch Avenue from Lincoln Way to Knapp Street.
This, therefore, means there are in fact instances where it is illegal for bicyclists to be anywhere but the road.
So, Mr. Rees, when you make your obviously unsubstantiated claims that bicyclists “don’t have a right to the roads” and that “legislation needs to get on this immediately,” you are completely incorrect.
Instead of complaining, perhaps you should bring your grievances to the police, who are truly responsible for bicyclist accountability. I’m sure they would appreciate some recommendations of how to better do their jobs.
Michael Willis is a junior in English.