ISU jugglers to perform with fire Friday

Abigail Barefoot —

The members of the Iowa State University Juggling and Unicycle Club play with fire, literally.

Along with juggling clubs and scarves, various members have also learned to juggle fire.

Participants of the club will demonstrate their skills at 7:30 p.m. on Friday in front of Parks Library, and practice with a fire show showing off member’s talents of juggling and unicycling.

Despite the fact there is fire involved, most of the members seem nonchalant about the whole situation and well prepared for the upcoming event.

“You just have to get over the fact that there is fire on the end of the club,” said Rob Hanson, freshman in engineering.

Clubs are bowling pin-shaped objects that most people associate with jugglers. When juggling with fire, one end of the club is lit, but the basic motion of juggling remains the same.

Although this is Hanson’s first year with the club, he has been juggling since he was in second grade when his elementary school partnered with the University of Illinois to teach juggling.

He started with the easiest thing to juggle, scarves, and moved his way up to clubs.

He continued on with the hobby and when he got to Iowa State he quickly contacted the club and became a member.

“It’s a fun activity,” Hanson said.

“It takes my mind off homework and classes, and it’s a way to take a break.”

Peter Brandt is a graduate student in aerospace engineering and also is a first-year participant of the club.

 He started juggling in his  spare time one summer and it quickly became a hobby for him.

One of his favorite parts of the club is the people that are in it.

“I love how ridiculous everyone is. They have gleaning personality,” he said.

 “Everyone knows jugglers have a good sense of humor.”

Members of the club range from freshmen to graduate students to staff members.

 On Tuesday nights the team practices with each other, working on their skills and tricks while making jokes with one another.

Watching the jugglers, one can see they are a tight knit group of friends who are passionate about juggling and unicycling no matter what skill level they are at.

“It’s great because we have members of all ages, including staff.

There is a big range of jugglers of all ages and skill levels,” Brandt said.

Brandt also is excited to juggle fire in front of an audience Friday night.

Though it seems scary to be playing with fire, Brandt said it’s something you just have to get over.

“It’s a lot like jumping into the deep end of the pool as a kid,” he said.

“It’s not dangerous, you just have to work up the guts to do it.”

The fire show is just one of many shows the Juggling and Unicycle Club put on every year.

They performed at Relay for Life this year and will preform during Veishea week.

The fire show will start at 7:30 p.m. Friday in front of the Parks Library.

If it rains Friday, the club will reschedule the event to April 23.