EDITORIAL: Olympic exit results in longing for more

Editorial Board

Dear Olympics,

Please come back.

We miss you terribly, you know. You were always there for us when we needed you.

When homework forced us to stay awake into the wee hours of the morning, it was OK, because you weren’t asleep, either.

You faithfully kept us company for two weeks, when, suddenly, like the snuffing of a torch, you left us with our books and laptops, and only the memory of the Norway curling team’s argyle pants.

You brought the United States together as we watched Team USA win an impressive 37 medals.

For two weeks, you gave us heroes we could cheer for proudly.

Apolo Anton Ohno short-track speed skated his way to his sixth, seventh and eighth Winter Olympic medals, giving him the most all-time for an American — and we loved every second.

And who would’ve thought we would get a game on Canada — and give them a run for their money in the gold medal game? That USA-Canada match might not have gotten Super Bowl numbers, but 27.6 million Americans tuning to the same hockey game is a majority you don’t see every day in the states.

And how about those skiers? You teased us with the mystery of Lindsey Vonn’s shin, then gave us the sweet rewards of Julia Mancuso, Bode Miller and Vonn herself.

Please come back, Olympics. We’ll gladly put up with watching the “Good Morning America” crew attempt to broadcast from a fire pit, and we’ll even pretend commentator Mary Carillo is funny when she says things like, “The ‘Oh’ in ‘Oh Canada’ no longer stands for ‘zero.’”

And if you’re going to make us wait until 2014 for the next Winter Games, could you at least give us a Curling Channel?