LETTERS: Google Fiber venture offers Ames Internet opportunities

James Parrott

Google launched the Google Fiber for Communities Experiment on Feb. 10. With this experiment, Google will provide high-speed, 1,000 megabits-per-second, fiber-to-the-home Internet connections to select communities. The fiber internet connection would be 100 times faster than most Ames resident’s current connection. Google is asking for interested communities and community members to apply for the experiment, which Google will use to decide where to build the network.

Over the past few weeks, the City of Ames and Government of the Student Body have been collaborating to apply for the Google Fiber for Communities Experiment. Along with the application, both entities are publicizing the experiment through Web sites and Facebook. Currently, both the City of Ames and GSB are working on the application along with short videos to promote Ames for Google Fiber.

Ames would benefit greatly if the community was picked for the fiber experiment. Residents would have a significant increase to their Internet speed. Companies would also be able to use the fiber, which will bring more business to Ames. Iowa State could use this technology to further research projects and inspire new research experiments. With all the current technology and people’s interest in new technology, we would be an excellent candidate for Google Fiber.

What can you do to help? The first way you can help is to nominate Ames for the experiment before the deadline of March 26. You can find how to apply on the Web site. Community support is also very important in Google’s decision. The Facebook page, “Ames Wants Google Fiber,” is a great way to show your support and spread the word. The page also has information about nominating Ames.

For more information, visit www.gsb.iastate.edu/googlefiber

James Parrott is the GSB Director of Information Technology

If you have any additional questions, please e-mail James, at [email protected].