LETTERS: Iowa State Daily not entitled to GSB funding, support

Stanley Perdios

Dear Government of the Student Body,

In response to the Iowa State Daily editorial “Welcome to the ‘Entitled States of America,’” would you please cut off any funding to the Iowa State Daily?

Given its new political philosophy against entitlement, they can survive and produce a quality student-run newspaper without GSB funds, relying solely on their “ambition and intellect.”

The Iowa State Daily certainly is not entitled to funding just because it exists as a college paper. Not funding the Iowa State Daily would cut down on the bureaucratic hassle of the meetings and paperwork for GSB, thus limiting GSB’s role as big government.

Besides, plenty of other student organizations and campus projects would like funding.

Those that help fulfill ISU’s strategic plan should be given priority over a college newspaper that can survive without the help of student fees.

In fact, GSB, perhaps you should go further and mimic ISU’s strategic plan (especially ISU’s new policy toward the six percent tuition hike).

Go ahead and withhold 90 percent of all student fees collected, and dole out the remaining ten percent to pet projects and personal use. That would certainly reduce any perception of GSB being big government.

Under this model, everything from student organizations to Cyride would be forced to survive on their “ambition and intellect” or be reduced to “the natural state of poverty.”

After all, we’re not entitled to any of these programs and projects, even though we pay for them, right?

Stanley Perdios is a graduate assistant in history.