EDITORIAL: Party hard, party smart, enjoy break

Editorial Board

We can all finally take a deep breath.

Spring break has arrived, and it couldn’t have come at a better time.

We’re all worn out — as we’re sure you are, too — and in need of a good, solid break from all of the work, school and stress that comes with this time of year.

Maybe you’ve had three tests this week, or a big project due, or maybe you’re just homesick and want to sleep in your own bed for a week. Whatever your reason is, you need a week off, and we don’t blame you.

You’ll go to Florida, California, Cancun, Canada — yes, we’ve heard of Canadian destinations — or maybe even just home for 10 days to have a little time to relax, sit back and hit the reset button on your brain.

It works for video games and your computer, so why can’t it work on your mind?

But while you’re frolicking in a meadow or sunbathing on a beach somewhere, we ask that you remember to be safe.

I’m sure we’ve all seen the movies about spring break trips gone wrong, where someone takes a wrong turn down a questionable dirt road in some back wood and ends up the target in a poorly-produced slasher film.

Or the reactions when poor Mommy/Daddy sees their little angel running naked through the streets, screaming “Wooooooooo!”

Scared yet? We are. (Especially of that second option. Shudder.)

Then, there are the horror stories of binge drinking at outrageous South Beach parties.

We get it, you’re having fun and we want you to have fun — we’re going to — but be aware of all of the Sex on the Beaches and [insert fruity drink here] that you can get all over the place.

All of those drinks can add up quickly and, suddenly, you’ll forget Tuesday, not realize where Wednesday went and wake up on Friday in an apartment you’ve never seen before.

On top of all the booze flowing through the streets, there’s always the roofies or the chance of running into an upset drug dealer on the wrong end of a deal-turned-bad.

Maybe go see a concert while you’re on break. If you get the chance to see a good show, you should probably do it.

Sex. Drugs. Rock ‘n’ roll. What did we forget?

Right: Sex.

Don’t get STIs, STDs or anything else itchy, painful or otherwise uncomfortable that can be sexually transmitted.

But have fun.

And, for God’s sake, don’t think about school again. You know, until we come back.