LETTERS: Census identifies where you live now
March 9, 2010
Students count.
Think you don’t need to complete the Census form because you’re originally from another town or country? Think again. The Census clarifies residency as the place you live and sleep most of the time. If you are a student today, that means Ames.
More than $400 billion in federal funding is issued to states and communities based on population counts. That funding helps provide transportation services like CyRide, as well as educational, medical and social services in the community. An accurate Census count also ensures Iowa has the appropriate number of Congressional representatives. While you are living in Ames and attending school, the funding Ames receives as a result of the Census benefits you.
Remember, the Census form instructs parents not to count sons or daughters living elsewhere to attend school. So make sure you and those living in your place of residence are counted. Census forms will be mailed in March. One person can complete the form for all residents living in your household. The Census questionnaire only asks a few simple demographic questions of each person. Most importantly, Census information will not be shared with anyone — not federal agencies, not law enforcement entities and not property owners. It is an entirely confidential document.
Completing the Census is easy and safe … 10 questions, 10 minutes. Please claim Ames on April 1.
Judi Eyles
Leadership Ames, Class XXIII