EDITORIAL: Cure for Olympic curling withdrawal sought in aftermath

Editorial Board

We miss curling already.

Sure, it’s only been a little more than a week now, but there’s nothing on TV that captures our attention — not to mention distracts us from our work — the way curling did during the Olympics.

There is no other sport where the athletes competing can wear pants as — let’s say colorful — as Norway’s were, or even wear skirts like the Netherlands’ women did.

All of you naysayers out there may argue “curling isn’t a sport” or whatever, but we would argue that it takes more skill than bowling does. Not to mention, we’re pretty sure you could slide the rock with one hand and keep hold of a tasty beverage in the other. Try to bowl a 300 while holding on to your drink at the same time.

No, really. Go ahead. We’ll wait.

See, it can’t be done.

And we’re not alone in our fascination with the greatest thing to come out of Scotland since, well, ever. Even now, there are iPhone apps and Web sites offering the chance for everyone to curl and sweep.

Whether you take part in a little “Cool Curlings” on your iPhone or iPod touch, or free, online curling — beware the malware — we want to encourage you all to take part in the curling madness, even just a little.

Because, as the spring approaches and the snow and ice disappear, curling may be the only way we’ll remember the Olympics and all the joy it brought us during the otherwise crummy winter.

So, sweep on, beloved curlers and students. Sweep on.