LETTERS: Fees aren’t necessarily bad things

Recently, with the passage of the Varsity Theater bill, many students have complained about the Government of the Student Body’s approval of using the accumulated funds to maintain the theater. “Why don’t they use that money to help fund my education?” many have asked. This is a valid point — college is ridiculously expensive.

However, if GSB used these funds to help pay for your college education, you would get a whole $5. That’s right, rather than provide entertainment for thousands of students and revitalize Campustown, you could buy half a pizza. Fair trade?

Students pay a fee each year to support the more than 600 clubs and organizations on campus. I will never see the benefits of GSB funding that many of the clubs on campus enjoy, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t pay to support them and neither should you.

Jared Knight is a sophomore in political science and speech communication.