EDITORIAL: Connections for a winning ticket

Editorial Board

Two teams have gathered enough signatures to lock in spots on the ballet. Government of the Student Body presidential candidate Luke Roling, a senior in chemical engineering and College of Engineering senator, and his running mate, Nate Dobbels, a senior in agriculture and life sciences education and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences senator, are squaring off against presidential candidate Chandra Peterson, a junior in political science and the current vice president, and her running mate, Jacob Wilson, a junior in political science, off-campus senator and the current vice speaker of the senate.

When it comes to Iowa State’s future and our position in the eyes of state, city and university officials, there’s a lot riding on next week’s vote. We hope you’re taking advantage of the opportunities they’re giving you to learn more about themselves and their positions on the issues, and that you take time out of your busy lives to prepare yourselves for the vote.

We’re trying to. Between our interviews with both of the tickets and their impressive resumes, we felt reassured that each candidate places high value on connecting with students. It is, after all, the only way a representative democracy can adequately represent its constituents.

But the breadth and depth of the Peterson–Wilson ticket’s existing partnerships and relationships and their plans for the next year set them apart.

From committing to increase support for diversity and inclusivity both on and off campus to managing sustainability and tackling student debt, Chandra is already knee-deep in the Campustown community. She plays leadership roles in the Campustown Student Association and the Campustown Action Association, and the pair has outlined detailed plans they hope to see completed during their tenure, much of which could even be fulfilled over the summer break.

The Varsity Theater project plays a key role in our decision as well, and the Peterson–Wilson ticket made it clear that if the senate and Board of Regents approve the property lease, they would make the project’s financial success a top priority. The Peterson–Wilson ticket’s devotion to its cause and their passion for success left all of us feeling comfortable they’d find a way to make it work. They also see the project as part of a comprehensive plan to build up Campustown into a business district next door that we could all feel proud to take our parents on a tour of, which leaves us excited about the year to come for the other side of Lincoln Way.

The pair work well together too. Aside from occasionally finishing each other’s sentences, they don’t have trouble with stepping back and letting the other shine. And we feel confident the pair will represent the student body well in their meetings with the university’s administration and the Board of Regents.

After our meeting with Chandra and Jacob, one of our editorial board members broke the silence with three words that summed up our time together well: “They have passion.”

Chandra was overcome with emotion more than once. At one point in our meeting, “I love GSB” was all she could manage.

It’s a passion for our community, a heartfelt devotion to making Iowa State and Ames a better place for students. But it’s more than passion, too. The Peterson–Wilson campaign has the drive and the tools to turn their campaign promises into reality — which is why their bid for your vote comes with our endorsement.