LETTERS: No money to spend on Varsity Theater

Wait, why do we want this theater? Don’t we already have a lack of money?

Personally, I’ve felt the effects of the budget cuts, as have all of the students here.

Iowa State has increased tuition for all of its students, cut wages of employees and reduced the budgets of each of the colleges.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it appears to me that Iowa State is having some serious financial issues.

Now, if we’ve got a lack of money, how is spending more money going to help the situation? It is literally like trying to dig deeper to get out of a hole in the ground.

If GSB really feels the need to spend money, why don’t they spend this money on helping students fund their college education?

I know I’m not the only one that pays out-of-state tuition and I know I’m not the only one paying for my education out of pocket — for the most part.

When tuition increases, that means I have less money to do the things I would really want to do — but not necessarily need to do — such as go to the movies with my friends or buy a new video game.

My point is that if we get this theater and keep the tuition hikes and wage cuts and whatnot, I still won’t have the money to utilize this theater.

And I’m sure there are other students and faculty members that are sitting in a similar situation.

Logan Butler is a sophomore in aerospace engineering.