LETTER: Daily Editorial Board serves no purpose
February 7, 2010
You should consider scrapping the entire “Editorial Board” idea. No one really cares.
How about printing more letters and opinions by students rather than pointless editorials by the Daily staff? Print us, the readers, what the thousands of students here have to say about all the issues. I’d much rather read varied opinions instead of the same old political correctness the Daily seems to embrace.
Variety is a most excellent concept — a concept your Daily editorial fails quite spectacularly at.
Your columnists appear to lose their voices somewhere between having something to say and having words fit for print. If you’re going to print an editorial about an issue, print what individuals have to say. If, for whatever reason, you must print what your so-called Editorial Board has to say, make sure it at least has a purpose.
Please, no more pointless apologies or non-opinion opinion articles.
From the Board:
We agree with John — we’d love to get more letters from you, our readers, into the paper, but we need help. If you haven’t seen a letter, odds are there hasn’t been one sent in, so speak up! Let us know what you think.