LETTERS: Peterson ties us to state Capitol

I am writing to express my support for Chandra Peterson and Jacob Wilson for Government of the Student Body president and vice president.

As the special events chairwoman for ISU Ambassadors, I have received immense support from them for our efforts at the Capitol.

Recently, there have been some comments made from other candidates saying that Ambassadors events are currently held after legislation is due, while in fact the event was held this year on Feb. 4, well before final legislation is due.

While in hard economic times like this, it may seem pointless to lobby the legislators for money to support higher education. Peterson and Wilson recognize the importance of staying on good terms with the people that fund us, even when they aren’t able to allocate as much money as we would like.

The Peterson-Wilson campaign is the best bet in furthering our proactive efforts for students at the Capitol.

Jessica Bruning is a sophomore in political science, the special events chairwoman for ISU Ambassadors and a GSB senator.