LETTERS: Palin family attacks unfair

Jonathon Schmeckel

I am writing in response to Wednesday’s editorial, entitled: “Palin: Take it easy, double standard not fooling public.”

To say that Palin was overreacting to the disgusting “Family Guy” episode is completely inaccurate.

It is one thing to mock and satirize our political leaders for their general mannerisms and actions, but to continually mock and point out their personal flaws, especially in their families, is becoming ridiculous.

There is also a double standard aimed at the former governor of Alaska. You never see Barack Obama, John McCain, Joe Biden and many other politicians have their families personally attacked like you do that of Sarah Palin.

You say she should take Friedman’s advice to “have a sense of humor and live a normal life,” but how is this even possible when media constantly attack your every move?

When people continually accuse you of not even being the real mother of your child? When, even out of public office, you’re accused of being an idiot?

It is seen every day in regards to Palin and there comes a point when enough is enough. To defend the episode and not recognize Sarah Palin has a legitimate reason to speak up is disgusting.

Jonathon Schmeckel is a sophomore in dairy science.