LETTER: Peterson, Wilson possess passion

I have had the opportunity to work with Vice President Peterson and Vice Speaker Wilson this year in the Government of the Student Body. I am a member of Sigma Kappa and I am an LAS Senator on GSB. This was my first year on senate and both Chandra and Jacob were welcoming and helpful!

I believe they both have the experience and passion to lead the student body. Jacob has done a lot of work regarding diversity efforts on campus. He has been a strong voice for the LGBTA community and has made himself a resource for International Student Council.

Chandra has initiated many projects in Campustown with fellow students. She was able to restart the business association for Campustown and create ties with the city and the university. In addition, she has guided efforts for student designed banners and a new mural in Campustown funded through sources outside of student fee money.

I am excited to show support for the Peterson/Wilson ticket and encourage you all to check out their other platforms, including managing student debt, at www.petersonwilson.com and see for yourself the impact they would have on our campus if elected.