EDITORIAL: Leaps of faith, GSB works to better student life on campus

Editorial Board

The Varsity Theater project took some significant steps forward this week, between the Senate’s legislating its way through the nitty-gritty details and its early morning vote to approve to President Jon Turk’s decision to decline approval of the measure, leaving the bill to become law, but without his support.

Everyone involved in the process is well aware, however, that there’s still a lot of work to be done. Most of it leads toward a presentation to the Board of Regents, which is likely to take place in late April.

Regardless of the outcome, students on our campus have taken advantage of an opportunity to be the cause of change at Iowa State, and it’s worth taking note of.

How many times have you walked past something on campus and rather than criticize what is, dreamed about what could be?

How many times have you decided the end goal would be worth your time and energy to pursue?

How many times have you made the effort to find out why things are the way that they are, then gone on to challenge that status quo with the hope of improving the system or bringing benefit to students where such possibilities never were.

The Varsity Theater proposal hopes to do just those things. By providing under 21-friendly activities in Campustown, supporters hope to give students an investment in Campustown that will keep them coming back and hopefully draw a greater diversity of business to the neighborhood as a result.

Most of us, we realize, will ride our way through the course requirements it takes to get our diploma, join a campus club or two and maybe even catch a Friday night flick.

Few have paused long enough and dared to dream big enough to consider real ways in which they might make change happen at Iowa State in their time.

We’re fortunate to be surrounded by a support structure of professors and assistant professors, lecturers, advisers, deans and associate deans and other staff who have dedicated their professional careers to empowering students in their endeavor to study, research and change the community around us. They guide and challenge us in our collegiate journeys.

But it’s folly to believe they’re going to do it all for us.

Most of the programs and events on campus exist because students demand they do.

Many of us wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the residence halls, dining centers, SI sessions and co-curriculars the admissions office works so hard to make sure you see during campus visits.

But how many opportunities for something great — something that will really improve the status quo for the life of the average Cyclone on campus — are passed by because it might seem impossible or simply not worth the effort?

The task force and proposal to lease the Varsity Theater started out with a student who walked by the old Cinemark CineArts establishment and wondered whether there was opportunity there to effect real change for the rest of campus.

Whether or not you agree with the project’s merits, we hope you can all see the value in taking risks and taking advantage of opportunities during your time at Iowa State.