CORRECTED EDITORIAL: From puppies to Polamalu, night entertains

Editorial Board

The Super Bowl. Where to start?

The logical place is, of course, the Puppy Bowl. Anyone else catch those little pups running around from water bowl to water bowl, being all cute and frisky and puppy-like? We were so into the Animal Planet program that the first time a penalty was called during the Colts-Saints face-off, we expected the ref to yell at Dwight Freeney for “ruff, ruff, ruffing the passer.”

OK, but seriously — can we talk about Carrie Underwood’s outfit? She did a lovely job singing the National Anthem, but did she forget you’re not supposed to wear white after Labor Day? And more importantly — if you wear all-white to a football game, you’re just asking for some jerk to spill his beer and nachos all over you.

While we’re on entertainment, we might as well talk about The Who. Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend just might be the oldest guys to see action on a football field since Brett Favre — but they pulled it off. Their halftime show might have sounded like a CSI theme song medley to some, but we’re just happy to see that Townshend could get a few windmill guitar strums in without losing an ancient arm.

And what about the commercials?

We noticed a few reoccurring themes. Did anyone else notice the back-to-back “pants off” commercials? and Dockers must have taken a cue from the “Pants on the Ground” guy. Funny, but definitely nothing we want to see while we’re scarfing down our Super Bowl Sunday snacks.

If you missed the back-to-back tighty-whities, maybe you were fortunate enough to see the midget-themed ads stacked together. Mini-KISS and Punxsutawney Polamalu? OK, truTV, you got us — we really do want a tiny Troy Polamalu to climb out of a tree to tell us the forecast every year.

Surprisingly, there were even a few local commercial gems.

Don’t pretend watching the antics of the KCCI news team didn’t put a smile on your face. Who doesn’t want to see Kevin Cooney narrowly escape a Gatorade shower? The whole thing had an “Anchorman” feel to it.

We were also big fans of the commercial that featured some super-kid showing off his talents. He rode a bike, neutralized a jellyfish sting with vinegar, assisted with a tiger birth on a safari and saved a cheerleading team with his super-tornado-fighting skills.

All it needed was a creepy voice whispering, “Choose your adventure” at the end to make it a commercial for Iowa State.

There were a few flops, of course.

We hope we can all agree that commercials are just trashy. Come on, Danica Patrick — class it up a bit.

And sadly, the E-Trade baby commercials just aren’t as funny as they used to be now that our little man is growing up.

We don’t even know what to say about Dove for Men. But we’re looking forward to the “Campaign for Real Beauty: Men’s Edition.”

But no matter what little things we nitpick, there are a few things on which we can all agree.

1. Watching the Kia Sorento “Joyride” commercial made us want to go on a joyride with Sock Monkey, Muno, Robot, Teddy and Mr. X. Toys are always fun.

2. Betty White + Abe Vigoda + Snickers = WIN. We miss the Golden Girls and Barney Miller. And now we all know with certainty that Vigoda is indeed still alive.

3. Congratulations, New Orleans Saints, on the win. Enjoy your Lombardi Trophy.