EDITORIAL: Thanks for the day off, Mr. Winter

Editorial Board

Well, do you feel refreshed? The editorial board was downright chipper, and maybe even a little sassy, when we sat down and decided to write one more — and with any luck the last — snow-themed editorial.

First and foremost: awesome. Wasn’t it great to wake up and see that e-mail? At that point a few things occurred in rapid succession: Facebook exploded with updates, professors sent out panicked e-mails and students either went back to bed or did something they genuinely wanted to do.

In yesterday’s paper we challenged students to find time to relax during dead week, and Wednesday was a prime opportunity to do just that. For instance, the big courtyard in Frederiksen Court had students playing in the snow almost all day, despite single-digit temperatures and blustery winds. One kid even came out with a Frisbee, but was persuaded that the Frisbee had no chance of flight, so he played football instead. That’s a great college moment: attempting to play Frisbee in a blizzard.

It’s dead week the way God intended it. Students, once burdened with projects and assignments that technically shouldn’t exist during dead week, had a catch-up day to finish work and maybe even have some time to play. Tensions were high and the stress was downright consuming, but now the tables have turned.

While the students kicked back for one glorious day and ignored their impending blitz through finals, professors were left scrambling. Looks like Mother Nature hates dead week homework as much as we do.

Wednesday felt like a scene from that old Nickelodeon movie, “Snow Day.” The snow was deep and people seemed generally pleased with the turn of events, and we didn’t even have to deal with that creeper in the snow plow.

If you made the most of Wednesday, congratulations. Hopefully, you had a moment to reflect on the days when “Snow Day” was a winter favorite and had time to play while ignoring obligations. Even if momentarily, we got a taste of that freedom.

The roads were crazy, too. Even if you had important things to do, the city was practically at a standstill. Plows were nowhere to be found and some sidewalks remain unclear as of this writing. That isn’t us complaining; we honestly don’t know how long plowing should take.

This storm really was a memorable one, and we hope you made the most of the day off — they’re rare, to say the least. The last time any classes were canceled was in 2007, and the time before that was way back in 2001. If the snow day made your life more stressful, we wish you the best in finding the time to catch up.

This snowstorm put smiles on a lot of worn-out faces, but remember, come March we’ll be ready for the white to go. So, to bring you back to reality: Finals are next week and there are more than 100 days of winter left.

Unless, of course, you’re on the football team: Arizona never looked better.