LETTERS: Citizens’ selfless acts
December 11, 2009
I was one of many unfortunate drivers who experienced a scary drive home in Ames on Thursday evening. Little did I know this ugly commute would also provide an inspiring moment between strangers.
I was headed west on Lincoln Way when I joined several others who simply could not ascend the hill just west of the Beach and Lincoln Way intersection. Believe me, that was a terrifying realization. The area resembled bumper cars in slow motion, going nowhere.
Luckily, I managed to get my van pulled into the bus stop lane and soon began to understand I would not make it home for a while that evening. My only hope was to wait until sand trucks arrived, or until traffic thinned out and my husband could rescue me with his truck and chains.
Time went by, and I became even more stressed, exhausted and was feeling very sorry for myself, when I noticed a group of young men approaching from the top of the hill.
When they got to my van, I lowered my passenger window and Jesus Garbiso, an ISU student, told me he and his friends would guide and push my vehicle up the hill! This group of young men rescued me and other motorists that night and they deserve a huge pat on the back.
I honestly had my doubts that we should attempt this treacherous act, but before I knew it, my vehicle was moving, and all the while, Jesus was talking to me through the passenger window, reassuring me I would be fine and to keep moving slowly and steadily.
Unfortunately, I was unable to get the names of all those young men who helped me through that ordeal, but I will never forget their unselfish and kind deed. Thank you, gentlemen, for making a difference — the world could use more fine young men like you. Your parents should be proud.
Jean Bessman is an Ames resident