EDITORIAL: Support may require extra student effort

Editorial Board

Maybe you’ve heard that the Cyclones are bowl eligible for the first time since 2005. Maybe you remember a previous editorial with a brief laundry list of embarrassing streaks that we wanted to see Coach Paul Rhoads obliterate with his awesomeness.

We won an away game, we beat Big 12 opponents, we beat the Huskers and now it looks as though the bowl drought may finally come to an end. But let’s not forget that there’s one more game left on the schedule. Next Saturday the team travels to Columbia, Mo., for the last regular season game. The last time the Cyclones beat Missouri in Columbia was in 2001, when most of us were still in middle school. That’s quite a while.

This team is good enough to reclaim the telephone trophy and finish the somewhat mind-boggling year at 7-5. Remember, this is a team that was in ESPN’s Preseason “Bottom Ten” and finished as one of the worst teams in the NCAA last year.

Then Chizik left, Paul “The Streak Killer” Rhoads appeared and Cyclone Nation finally had something to smile about. And smile they did, because this team has exceeded nearly every expectation on a fairly routine basis. But again, there’s one game left. As Coach Rhoads said in his post-game press conference, “You can’t take your foot off the gas for a second … If I took any second to reflect, my wife would chew me out.”

How can you not love this guy?

Which is why the editorial board has decided, unanimously of course, that this game, and the horrendous streak that accompanies it, is deserving of death by “Rhoads’ Hammer.” So, coach, we don’t know exactly what it is that you say or do, but get those boys out there and tame some kitties.

Now that that’s been said, there’s something else we, the student body and Ames community, can do to help. Standing room tickets on the hill at Faurot Field are $26 and, for you high rollers, general admission tickets will run you about $50. Kickoff is at 1 p.m. and it’s only about a seven-hour drive from here to Columbia.

Hopefully you can see where this is headed, and hopefully we’ll see you there on Saturday.

There’s literally no reason we can’t get more than 1,000 Cyclone fans in that endzone — especially with no classes the following week. Suspend your week of rest and relaxation at home and make a little road trip with your friends. Ill-advised, poorly planned, impromptu road trips are the types of college shenanigans that you will treasure until you’re too senile to count to three.

So call up a few friends, delay going home for one extra day and make some memories. It may be cheesy, but it’s the least we can do for a team that has played its heart out all season. It’s the least we can do for a man who has turned a program around, re-invigorating the attitudes of thousands with optimism.

It’s time we re-name Farout Field “Jack Trice South.” Deck yourself out in Cardinal [not gold], gather up your friends, cram into a car and be ready to make some noise. Let’s close this season out right, with one more smashing victory via the Rhoad’s “Hammer of Awesomeness.”

See you in Columbia.