LETTER: Safely dispose of prescribed, over-the-counter medications
November 24, 2009
The Story County Prevention Policy Board, in collaboration with Youth and Shelter Services, the Iowa State Public Safety-Police Division and the Ames Police Department, held another successful Drug Drop Off event on Nov. 18. More than 180 pounds of prescription and over-the-counter medications were safely removed from the community.
Sustainable efforts related to the proper disposal of medication are an ongoing concern not only for the partners of these events, but for the Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Pharmacy Association. In November the Iowa Pharmacy Association, with a grant from the DNR, initiated Take Away: Environmental Return System in coordination with local pharmacies. This allows local participating pharmacies to accept and safely dispose of medications and over-the-counter drugs.
Area Hy-Vee pharmacies, the Medicap Pharmacy, and NuCara Pharmacy’s, in both Nevada and Story City, are participating in this program. These pharmacies are leading the way in participating in a sustainable method of disposal of medication for Story County. Thank you to these businesses for taking initiative on this community issue. Please contact your pharmacy about this opportunity and for any questions.
The Story County Prevention Policy Board