LETTERS: Dan Rice cares, dedicated, values Ames residents

Elizabeth Mettlle

In response to Pete and Becky Englin’s letter:

We all want change. We all have an issue in Ames we are passionate about. Why do I find myself supporting Dan Rice in Ward 1?

I trust him whole-heartedly to make the smartest decisions regarding change in our community, even though he doesn’t have a flashy Web site and didn’t spend campaign money on glossy, full color pamphlets.

I want intelligent growth, not simply growth.

I want a councilperson to think in the long run, with our financial and ecological future in mind.

 I want a councilperson to preserve the Ames values I hold so dear.

 I want a councilperson who genuinely cares for her or his community and its citizens.

I want a councilperson who spends wisely and has her or his priorities well in check.

I don’t want a councilperson who shoots for the quick fix.

I don’t want a councilperson who makes hasty and harmful choices.

I don’t want a councilperson who is disconnected and disenchanted with the city’s citizens.

I don’t want a councilperson who makes me want to hightail my future children out of, what used to be, such a wonderful place to live.

Elizabeth Mettlle is a senior in interdisciplinar Studies and a potential future permanent resident of Ames.