LETTERS: Active participation, expression of opinion, welcome on chapel issue

Last week an article appeared in the Iowa State Daily regarding a petition circulated by Mr. Kevin Zimmerman regarding the religious symbolism in the Memorial Union Chapel. The article stated that Mr. Zimmerman felt that the symbols displayed discrimination toward several religions, and requested that they be removed to provide for a more neutral space for people of all religions.

Mr. Zimmerman’s concern is a valid one, and brings to light an issue that has arisen more than once in the last decade. In the past, the Memorial Union has taken what they felt was the best course of action to accommodate the most students, while still attempting to maintain the sanctity of the space in question. Like many other issues, students have — and are more than entitled to — a range of very different opinions. The dilemma that again faces the Memorial Union Board of Directors is how to accommodate and honor this array of opinions and beliefs.

I truly believe such a solution exists for this historical and valuable space; the true test is to find it. The only way we can determine which course of action would be best for the students is to ask them. So I ask you, my fellow students, what do you think should happen to this space? If you haven’t been there, spend a few minutes in the chapel. Decide what you think the solution is. And then send me, Halley Stille, the Government of the Student Body Director of Student Affairs, an e-mail telling me how you think we can solve this issue together. Your opinion, as a student, is a vital starting point for any action that may be taken in this case, and I hope to hear opinions and suggestions from many of you, which I can present to the Government of the Student Body, the Memorial Union Board of Directors and the Iowa State administration.

I applaud Mr. Zimmerman for his active participation in expressing his opinion on this issue, and I encourage every student on campus to do the same.

Halley Stille is the GSB Director of Student Affairs