EDITORIAL: Ferentz: Match governor cuts, divert bonus pay

Editorial Board

The reality of these pesky budget cuts is finally settling in. Governor Chet Culver will take a 5.4 percent pay cut to do his part in reducing the budget woes of Iowa.

His pay cut is a sign of goodwill more than a legitimate savings: A 5 percent cut of the governor’s $130,000 check is about $7000. However, there are other state employees, who make more money, that could show their goodwill in these difficult times.

Few are willing to pick on Iowa’s football coach Kirk Ferentz right now, but this is a discussion that needs to start. First the facts:

Ferentz is the state’s highest paid employee. He makes almost $3 million each year. Due to the team’s outstanding performance, he may make as much as $1 million in additional bonuses. None of that money will come directly from taxpayers.

In a recent Des Moines Register report, University of Iowa’s Athletics Director Gary Barta was quoted, saying, “None of anything we do in athletics comes from taxpayer dollars, including any of Kirk’s salary or bonuses… It’s all the revenues that come into the athletic department in order for us to generate our income.”

With the state facing crushing budget reductions, Ferentz, who already makes 22 times the governor’s salary, could tack on an extra 7.7 governor-level salaries in bonuses. Many assistant coaches may see 15 percent pay increases based on team performance.

This leaves UI, Iowa Athletics, Ferentz, Hawk fans, citizens and policy makers of the state in an awkward position. Clearly the money needs to come from somewhere. However, if Barta is telling the truth, then Ferentz’s salary was never state money to begin with. This situation may prove peskier than the budget cuts themselves.

It’s really up to you, Kirk Ferentz. You’re on the brink of achieving god-like status among the droves of hawk fans. You’re about to make a lot of money. Your program, essentially built from scratch, may pull off a Cinderella story, so it may seem unfair for anyone to ask for a refund.

Allow the Iowa State editorial board to speak with complete impartiality directly to Mr. Ferentz and help him make a fair decision.

First, we think you should take a 5.4 percent pay cut, to match the governor who should, at least in theory, have more clout then you. Second, you should divert all bonus pay to flood relief for damage done in the summer of 2008. Third, you shouldn’t go to another school regardless of pay increases or other perks, because we’d hate to see you go. No, really, we would.

Hawk fans are perhaps the best fabricators of outlandish excuses on the planet. As Cyclones we’ve heard them all, and we’re tired of them. We’d hate for any future Iowa-Iowa State games to be mired down in “new coach” excuses, as this exciting in-state rivalry has the potential to be ever more exciting in the coming years. You’re obviously a top-notch coach, and we’re seeing signs that we may finally have one of our own. This is an opportunity for the state of Iowa to benefit as a whole from an epic annual showdown between coaches who are respectful, smart and engaged members of the community.

Everybody wins. We don’t want a victory over Iowa to be meaningless, and giving money back to a community that is as respectful, caring, patient and hard-working as the state of Iowa is the right thing to do.

Besides, when the Cyclones re-claim the Cy-Hawk trophy next year, we want it torn from the hands of the great Kirk Ferentz so that we can finally stop the excuses once and for all.