LETTERS: Former GSB vice president supports Rice for 1st Ward

Maggie Luttrell

I am writing today for a letter of support for Dan Rice’s re-election bid in the Ames municipal elections on Nov. 3. Dan Rice represents the 1st  Ward, and while he does not directly represent me by geographical location, as a student, he brings my perspective to the Council dais. As the former and first female student to sit on the Ames City Council as the GSB representative, I have had the pleasure and opportunity to work firsthand with Dan Rice. Throughout my year-long experience on the Council, Dan Rice was always a proponent for students and their ideas for change. Campustown is a major area of interest to students, whether purely a resident or someone interested in revitalizing it, Dan Rice has always been willing to listen and work with other Council members and city officials to create an environment that mirrors what the student population has wanted. When I proposed the first spring GSB/city of Ames event two years ago, Dan Rice was the first voice of support in helping fund this event, knowing that interaction with students is vital to the success of a partnership with the city of Ames. Dan Rice is someone whom I see supporting students’ interests — whether or not he represents your ward. Dan Rice has been a long-time member of the ISU community, as an academic advisor — someone whose job it is to support students’ goals on a daily basis. Rice has gone above and beyond his role on Council to truly listen to those in the Ames population who get neglected. I urge any student who finds that they reside in the 1st Ward to vote for Dan Rice in the upcoming Ames elections, for he truly listens and respects students. His experience and time spent with students and around students is important for our voices to continue to be heard.

Maggie Luttrell is an ISU alumna, former GSB vice president and ex-officio student member of the Ames City Council.