Dance Marathon to hold informational meeting Tuesday

Dance Marathon help recipients dance in front of the stage at 10pm during one of the scheduled dance sessions. Dance Marathon was held in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union on Saturday, Jan 24, 2009 from 9am-midnight. Dance Marathon participants pose for a “make your own video” session at the Dance Marathon event held on Saturday, Jan 24, 2009. Photo: Laurel Scott/Iowa State Daily
September 20, 2009
Dance Marathon will hold its first informational meeting of the year at 7 p.m. on Tuesday in the Cardinal Room of the Memorial Union to register dancers, share personal stories and give participants fundraising advice, according to a news release.
Dance Marathon, a student-run philanthropy, holds an annual 15-hour fundraiser every year to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network.
The organization raised $171,000 in last year’s event. The fundraiser, “Kickin’ it for the Kids,” will be held on Jan. 23, 2010.