Editorial Board

Obama always keeps the media busy. When asked about Kanye’s outburst during Taylor Swift’s VMA acceptance speech, he said, “I thought that was really inappropriate. You know? She’s getting an award; why are you butting in there?” He continued, “The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She’s getting her award, what’s he doing up there? He’s a jackass.”

The question is whether this situation is more typical for Kanye or Obama. Kanye always finds a way to create pop-culture madness, and Obama always finds a reason for people to pretend to be outraged. The question is, how big of a deal is this, really? Kanye did something that wasn’t entirely surprising, and the president used some slightly off-color words to describe it.

It’s important to remember this wasn’t the State of the Union, or a phone call with a foreign leader. It was a backstage interview, where a stupid, irrelevant question was given an honest answer.

For that, Obama deserves to be commended. He promised he would be different, and while this certainly is not what voters had in mind, he obviously is not concerned with this issue. He even said in the audio, hoping to lessen the inevitable fallout, “cut the president some slack.” Was the president out of line? Maybe a little, but this incident hardly deserves outrage.

Every president gets bombarded with stupid questions on a daily basis. From choosing the Superbowl winner to his opinions on shutter-shaded rappers, interviewers insist on wasting time with this garbage. Obama had a lapse in self-censorship, and we briefly saw his humanity. Kanye made a fool of himself; is it really such a bad thing that the president thinks so? His opinions are certainly more interesting when presented this way, rather than another canned press-release written in boring legal jargon.

This country has had plenty of presidents and vice presidents who have done and said more reprehensible, more regrettable and more outrageous things. Calling someone out for being a self-centered brat is hardly the worst in this decade. Obama is no different. We watch and document every president, seemingly seek his opinion on everything and, as a result, we catch every little foul-up. Obama’s actions were hardly as reprehensible as, for example, shooting someone in the face.

The fact of the matter is, indeed, Kanye is a moron. He has a history of being a pompous idiot and has proven repeatedly he cannot play nicely with others.

This is the same Kanye, remember, who accused President Bush of hating black people. What now? Will he accuse Obama of the same thing? Perhaps, Kanye, the president doesn’t hate black people; maybe you are, in fact, a jackass and should just keep a lid on it.