GSB hears from CyRide, denies banner funding
September 2, 2009
The Government of the Student Body voted Wednesday to deny funding for welcome banners that were hung in Campustown earlier this year, because the banners do not comply with a GSB bylaw.
The banners did not comply with bylaw, which states, “All advertising and printed or electronic material that is circulated outside of an organization shall contain the phrase ‘Funded through the GSB,’ the approved GSB logo or an equivalent phrase in a suitable type size.”
The Government of the Student Body receives its income from the mandatory student activity fee which is paid by all Iowa State University students.
Carole Custer, director of university marketing, asked GSB to give the Vice President for Student Affairs Office $1,500 for the Welcome banners that were hung.
“I only had a two-week window to order the banners, and we thought it would be a good way to dress up Campustown,” Custer said.
Also in Wednesday’s meeting, Sheri Kyras, transit director for CyRide, presented plans for a $43.6 million intermodal transportation facility.
“The facility features 750 parking spaces, a purple shuttle route, two hybrid buses and automatic vehicle location technology,” Kyras said.
The hub would also have spaces for the intercity carriers Jefferson Lines and Burlington Trailways, and a regional carrier for a bus running from Ames to the Des Moines Airport.
The facility will also have bicycle lockers and showers.
“Our hope is that people can bike to the facility and then jump on a bus and go,” Kyras said.
The city of Ames is currently applying for a transportation investment-generating economic-recovery grant, and plans to use this money to pay for up to 90 percent of the project.
The other 10 percent will come from local matches.
Kyras said the city hopes the hub will create about 400 new jobs in the Campustown area.
“The annual maintenance and major construction fee will be about $350,000,” Kyras said. “We feel comfortable we could generate enough money to operate the facility through parking permits and short-term parking fees.”
Next week’s meeting will include a vote for $3,270 to Parks Library for full duplexers for the computers, which will allow printers to print double-sided documents, and $14,250 to replace light fixtures at the Cyclone Stampede Rodeo.