LETTERS: Please, stop texting while driving

Tanya Gupta

For people who use their cell phone while driving:

Please don’t do it.

We almost crashed on Interstate 35 with a woman texting with both her hands, at a speed of 65 mph. Collision was avoided by my husband’s quick decision to slam on the breaks and blow the horn.

I don’t know who this lady was, but her texting could have cost the lives of three adults and a 2-year-old — my husband, brother, myself and my daughter — on Saturday morning.

I then decided to count the number of people using cell phones while driving. The results: 53.

If people really want to feel important, there are other ways to show off.

There is technology called hands-free and wireless Bluetooth in which cell phone-using drivers have the option to answer their VIP calls without endangering other people’s lives on the road. Plus it’s cheap — at least compared to a person’s life.

Hello? Are the lawmakers listening, or they are waiting for more statistics?

— Tanya Gupta , Graduate Student in curriculum and instruction