There’s life after first meltdown, frantic schedule

Editorial Board

This week is brutal. Tensions on campus are, seemingly, about to boil over.

But don’t freak out. Whether you realize it or not, you’re living the life. Seldom in life will things be easy, but it’s safe to assume the semester will get easier from here.

As a community, we’re slowly settling into our daily routines. Grinding out the new semester day by day. Planning and cajoling and squeezing every last minute out of every last day. Just trying to find a way to get it all done and still pack in a few minutes to have fun is starting to feel impossible.

If this describes how you feel this week, then relax, you’re far from alone. Frequently the second week of class can prove to be the first true test of a semester. If this doesn’t describe how you feel, then brace yourself, because it’s coming.

College life is anything but consistent. It’s full of ups and downs. It is an emotional, educational roller coaster; and just like any roller coaster, sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s scary, you hate standing in line and you inevitably go home tired. Assignments, clubs, sporting and social events and work pile up seemingly overnight, until you realize you’ve committed yourself to 26 hours each day and the only things you can cut from your schedule are sleeping and eating.

But that’s what it’s all about.

Life isn’t going to get easier after college. You’ll still be busy and you’ll still be tired, but you’ll probably also be bored. Moral of the story? Savor the joy of having things to do while you’re here.

As frantic and fast-paced as a college day can be, few would argue that a nine-to-five job is an improvement. Take on as many things as you can bear and enjoy the variety. Smile because you’re learning. Set a routine and laugh, not cry, when it falls apart and you’re suddenly improvising.

This week is when professors aren’t afraid to stick it to you. Tomorrow is this season’s only week-night football game, and if you’re planning on attending, you’re probably realizing what a strain it is to finish homework early and lose an entire Thursday night.

If you’re looking for a good way to blow off steam, get your hands on a ticket to that game. Nothing feels better than screaming obnoxiously at people who don’t pay tuition.

Beyond classes ramping up and an unfortunately-timed football game, other stresses are probably becoming apparent. Your roommates, and annoying, little things you didn’t notice right away, are probably starting to grate on your nerves. You may be hungry, sleep-deprived, homesick and running out of clothes to wear.

Just remember, when you start to feel overwhelmed, you’re not the only one who is having a hard time, and you certainly won’t be the last. If you’re a freshman, you may be experiencing a major meltdown for the first time in your life, but the truth is, everyone goes through a period of time where they just can’t do even one thing more. If you’re feeling the hurt this week, here’s some advice: Kick back, grab a beverage of your choice, mutter a little something to pick yourself up and dig in.