Iowa State, we want your help to build new entertainment site

Anthony Capps

ISU community,

This is your entertainment section to find out what’s going on not only at Iowa State, but in the entire Ames community. This Thursday section in the newspaper is the guide to events taking place this weekend. Online, there will be more previews, announcements and interest stories for events that aren’t during the weekend. If you are a print person, most of the content — especially the interest stories — will find their way to the newspaper. But online is where we are expanding with changes coming right around the corner.

In the near future, this section will be its own Web site — separate from — and have regular content and multimedia. The designing and building of this Web site will also be an open process — right now, it’s no more than rough ideas being thrown around. This entertainment site will be here to serve your entertainment wants and needs. Therefore, you will be helping us build the site as a partner, not a viewer. Of course, we’ll work on the technical side of everything, but we will give you regular updates and images as everything comes together. You can give us comments, suggestions, likes, dislikes, etc.

When this site launches, it will be no surprise to you because you will know well before that day comes.

In due time, we will be asking for your help to produce content. This is a student news organization, so we want more of your opinions about what’s going on and information about your interests — what did you think of that movie, concert or play? Tell us about local blogs.

So, to start it off, tell me what you want to know about entertainment in Ames. What is most important to you when figuring out what to do? Movies? Music? Theater? Club events?

What are local Ames bloggers you like? Are you a blogger?

Get me your answers in some form — e-mail, comment, Twitter, in person… I don’t want anyone left out of this process. This will be your Web site, not mine.

Anthony Capps

Entertainment editor

[email protected]

@Amadeus3000 on Twitter