LETTERS: Church visitors don’t deserve effort of counter-protests

Last week, the citizens of Ames learned that members of a Kansas-based church will come to Ames on July 24 to protest against Iowa’s position on equal rights for gays and against ISU for being a “hotbed of pro-sodomite teaching and activity.” I am not going to name the church because they are merely seeking publicity through hate-filled events.

I ask the good people of Ames and ISU to deny this group what they want most: our attention. Let’s rise above this mob and ignore them. Their message has no value here; they are not looking for constructive discourse; they only want their name in the paper.

I ask The Daily and my neighbors to treat their message of hate like a faint whiff of hog manure and let it pass without comment.

Let’s ignore their passing and make it a spectacularly un-newsworthy event.

Andrew Williams


Becky Baker
