EDITORIAL: Westboro comes, to cleanse our “H8-ful” souls

Editorial Board

This Friday, Ames plays host to the ever-lively Westboro Baptist Church.

Oh, we should have warned you: Don’t read this editorial out loud, lest you summon one of this congregation, a la Bloody Mary or Beetlejuice.

Yes, the Church-That-Must-Not-Be-Named is at it again, and on its itinerary is our very own Iowa State University. The church’s Web site says members are here to tell us God “H8s” us.

Now, the use of “H8” was generally used against Proposition 8 in California, so maybe Westboro is confused as to which state this is, but that’s understandable. It’s pretty easy to confuse California and Iowa. They share three letters, after all.

The church’s Web site also says Obama is going to destroy us, but specifics are scarce.

Is he going to go Power-Rangers villain and suddenly grow huge, blasting socialism beams from his glowing red eyes? Better assemble the Thundercats, G.I. Joe, and any other ‘80s superhero teams available — just to be safe.

The church also warns us that we’ll soon be eating our babies.


The Food Network, of course. From Westboro’s Web site: “…they can doctor things up with weird flavoring and make anything edible…”

Sounds like someone’s got a serious grudge for being forced to try asparagus.

Of course, there’s plenty more about Westboro to be found, but in the end — just like this editorial — they’re nothing if not ridiculous.

Therefore, when the Westboro Baptist Church arrives in Ames, we encourage everyone to take a peaceful stand. Voice support for equality, not for hatred.

And hey, maybe you could even try using some humor. Wink, wink.