EDITORIAL: Endorsements we should have made this semester

Editorial Board

The Iowa State Daily Editorial Board has a confession to make: We love to make endorsements.

We’ve tried to keep our passion in check, and, in our attempt to keep from going overboard with endorsements, we’ve done our best to stick to endorsing political candidates. Aside from one of the canine variety, our endorsements have been spot-on. For the record — we can’t believe the Obamas didn’t get a Mastiff to guard the White House.

Throughout the year, we’ve been tempted to make a few more endorsements. Since our endorsements almost always seem to predict what will actually happen, we’ve spent some time reflecting on what else we could have endorsed this semester. We would’ve been right…

  • Higher parking fines. With the abundance of student parking on campus, this shouldn’t be a problem for any of us.
  • A tuition increase. Four percent? Why not 10 percent? We’re going to have to get used to paying for the decisions and mistakes of the generations that came before us — we might as well start now.
  • Larger class sizes. We hate discussion-based learning, and who needs personal attention from professors? We’d much rather sit in a lecture hall and get distracted by the guy in front of us who’s Facebooking and reading stories on FMyLife to pass the time.
  • Cuts to the Women’s Studies and English programs. Literature? Grammar? Pshaw — not important. And Women’s Studies? It’s not like we have a Men’s Studies department. Except — oh, wait… Who’s responsible for most of what we learn in history classes? Oh well.
  • $4.3 million budget cuts to ISU Extension. It seems silly to share the university’s research with Iowa’s residents — farmers, mostly — so they can put it to practical use. Except, last time we checked, Iowa State is a land-grant university. And Iowa has quite a few farmers. And…what exactly is the point of research if the findings can’t be put into practice?
  • Kal Penn joining the Obama administration. We knew this guy would someday be a perfect fit for the Office of Public Liaison the minute “Harold and Kumar” went to White Castle. Seriously, though, kudos to Mr. Penn — that’s quite an accomplishment. And we’re probably just bitter that he’s not on “House” anymore.
  • Pepper spray at Veishea. Yeah, we’re all for furthering strained relations between students and police.
  • Swine flu. Too soon? Whoops…
  • Sarah Palin 2012! OK, maybe this one hasn’t actually come true. But how about Sarah Palin accepting bail-out money for Alaska? Oh, but she said she wouldn’t. That’s so… maverick of her.
  • Cael Sanderson leaving Iowa State to coach wrestling at Penn State. So what if Iowa State was formerly his dream job? So what if he went 159-0 as a Cyclone wrestler and, when he came back as a coach, led the Cyclone wrestling team to its first conference title in 25 years? Clearly, leaving was the choice we should have endorsed.

Wow, it felt good to get all of that out.

With an endorsement track record as good as ours, we’re surprised we didn’t call all of these before they happened. Our reputation for getting these things right would’ve been untouchable.

On second thought, maybe we should’ve endorsed the opposite of everything we just mentioned (except Kal Penn — he’s free to follow his dreams). What if we do have the magic touch? We could have prevented so many bad things from happening.

Oh well. There’s always next year.