EDITORIAL: Economy down, vasectomies up

Editorial Board

It’s Vas Madness!!!

No, that’s not a typo. And no, we’re not writing about who will snip the net at the Final Four. We’re writing about snipping something entirely different. Yep, you guessed it.

The Vas Deferens!

The economy is down, and the number of men seeking a (mostly permanent) vasectomy is way up, according to cnn.com.

The report said some doctors have seen a more than 50 percent increase in procedure requests since November — following one of the worst months in Wall Street’s history.

People interviewed in the article said they were getting the operation because they simply couldn’t afford to have more children in this economy.

One Texas practice even offers a special deal called Vas Madness. Men can get the procedure done, then spend their recovery watching college basketball during March Madness.

Look, we aren’t endorsing this as an option for college students. The operation can only be reversed 50 percent of the time. That’s like betting on a 12-seed beating a 5-seed — sometimes it’s UNI (no children for you), and sometimes it’s Arizona (how sweet it is).

However, the article shows interesting trends, and yields warnings for newly wed or soon-to-be wed college students.

This ain’t the time to get pregnant accidentally. You could barely afford to to enter a bracket, let alone properly raise a child.

So, while wearing a condom and taking the pill are good options, thanks to an anonymous Iowa donor, there is a lower maintenance, longer lasting middle ground between doing it raw and getting the snip-snip — and it’s free for women.

A multi-million dollar project allows Iowa women to choose an intrauterine device or a “matchstick size hormone releasing device that is put in the upper arm,” according to the Des Moines Register. The devices offer a reversible solution to birth control, and it can last several year, without the risk of forgetting a pill or having a condom break. And it offers security just in case your roommate poked holes in all your condoms for April Fools (see Wednesday’s editorial).

Planned Parenthood plans to give away 1,400 of these devices next year, and a list of other participating agencies can be found at iowastatedaily.net.

No insurance, no problem. Planned Parenthood will bill your insurance the cost of the procedure, but if you aren’t on a plan they won’t charge you. They even cover the cost of the removal of the device.

If you’re looking for an alternative cheap form of birth control, this could be for you.

And, just in case you’re ready for the permanent fix, guys — the Final Four is this weekend… Just saying.