WICKSTROM: The basics of bingeing

There are several signs that one may have taken part in binge drinking, from vomiting from alcohol consumption to passing out in a bathroom. Photo Courtesy: Sxc.hu/Gregor909
April 8, 2009
Yes, everyone’s favorite pastime.
In a college atmosphere such as this, it does not take a genius to realize drinking is part of the culture.
In fact, binge drinking is possibly one of the most popular activities in which to take part during the weekend — which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.
Obviously, binge drinking is not the healthiest thing one can do to the body.
In fact, I am positive that you have, or you know someone who has, bowed down to the porcelain throne.
So how do you know if you have been drinking too much? There are a few possible ways to determine this:
1. If it is late Saturday night and you stop in the middle of the road to text message someone — and you don’t care about the cars speeding past — then you have had too much.
2. If you puke, you have had too much to drink.
A. Coincidentally, if you puke in a sink when the toilet is all of three feet away and you don’t realize this, then you have had too much.
3. If it is late at night and you suddenly have the urge for the Fighting Burrito, you are probably drunk.
4. If you find yourself getting into a argument about politics regarding who is the better black president, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, you are drunk.
5. If you are sleeping on some stranger’s couch screaming out the names of random friends who aren’t there, asking for toast and a taco, you have had too much to drink.
6. If you wake up the next morning, take a shower and fall asleep in the shower for a quick cat nap, you had too much to drink the night before.
7. If you decide to lock yourself in the bathroom and pass out in there, not letting anyone in until the next morning, you probably drank too much.
8. If you find yourself wearing sunglasses, playing a Guitar Hero guitar and singing to a random song on a CD, you are probably intoxicated.
9. If at any time you can go onto Facebook and see a picture of you doing something you cannot remember ever doing, then you drank too much the night the picture was taken.
Also, if you can’t remember the night the picture was taken, then you have yet again drank too much.
10. If you walk in to go to the bathroom and your toilet says, “Fill me up!” to you, then you are probably extremely drunk.
If you can relate to any of these scenarios, you have probably partaken in binge drinking.
So, is binge drinking OK?
That’s up for debate. I will not say whether or not I believe binge drinking is acceptable, but I will ask that no matter what the situation, you take responsibility and be safe.
— Jordan Wickstrom is a junior in journalism and communication from Bedford, S.D.