The Anytime to perform Saturday at the M-Shop on day of CD release

Josh Cohen |

The Anytime is about to make its debut to Iowa State. The band is former Four Word Cause members Andrew Gates — who had just joined the band before it ended — Tyler Higdon, Jason Peterson — JP — and Matthew Dery, along with new guitarist Caleb Wiggins. When asked about their sound, the band members said they try to use everything that influences them and keep a pop sound to it. If they had to choose a band, though, it would have to be Jimmy Eat World. The Anytime will be playing a show at the M-Shop on Saturday, which is the release date of the band’s first, self-titled CD.

Newest member Wiggins had met up with Four Word Cause through working at Guitar Center in Des Moines.

“He had always been helpful with deals and all for the band, and when it came to finding a new guitarist we remember he played, so we gave him a shot and he just came in and really impressed us,” said Matthew. With the addition of Wiggins, the line-up for The Anytime was full and they were ready to go.

The band has been very busy lately with this CD and the members are very proud of what they have. The CD contains five tracks and will be sold for $5 at the show. To make this CD, the band was flown out to New York to record. When asked about the experience, Matthew said, “At first it was all very overwhelming you know, we’re all small town, Midwest guys, but then after being there it made us just feel larger than life. We would love to go back whenever we get a chance!”

The band is also now being sponsored by Hot Topic. This means that they will be performing at Hot Topic stores and will have their merchandise sold at select stores. Although the band has many great things happening all at once, there is one thing that stands above the rest, and that is meeting their manager, Matt Feldman.

Just before the band left for New York, the guys received a message over MySpace from Matt, who was expressing interest in the band. The timing was perfect. Matt lives in New York and the band was just about to head over there. They started talking and decided to meet up while in New York. The band met with Matt and they all just hit it off. After they finished recording, the band sent the tracks to Matt and they were signed to a contract right away. This is, so far, the biggest thing to happen to the Ames-based band yet. With a manager they are now shopping around for a record contract and will hopefully soon be sent into the recording studio again to make their full length album.

Until their next recording session, The Anytime will be doing nothing but touring. Lately the band has been writing new music and practicing constantly to make their live performance the best it can be. On April 17 the band will be hitting the road and won’t stop until they are ready to record the next album.

They will be performing with Keno and The Finest, and Finding the Warren will be doing an acoustic set. The band will also have an acoustic set at Hot Topic in Ames the night before their CD release party. After this, the band will be touring all over, non-stop.