EDITORIAL: Awkward male affection thrives in bromances

Editorial Board

Bromances — non-sexual in nature and defiant of the social norms that often exist among the “stoic” men of our day — have made themselves known throughout the modern community.

From Turk and J.D. on “Scrubs” to members of our own Editorial Board, bromances are alive and well. Many men are no longer afraid to express their affections for other men openly.

We find it refreshing to see such divisions within society continue to fall.

Like the Iowa Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriages weeks ago and the fight to end the illegality of interracial marriages before that, it’s good to see, once again, that men everywhere are seeing the benefits of learning to show some love.

It can be disheartening, however, to see many who have yet to figure out how to go about relating their feelings for each other, to each other.

Men tend to throw themselves into uncomfortable situations in which they try — with little and awkward success — to reassure both their feelings for the other and their feelings about themselves.

It’s uncommon to see feelings shared, especially in such frank a form as “I love you,” without an accompanying scoff, giggle or rolling of the eyes.

Such confessions only seem to be acceptable under the guise of one too many at $1 Pint Night.

And that’s just sad.

So take a minute or two to think about relationships that have gone unacknowledged, work through any remaining childhood insecurities, and go tell someone how much they mean to you.

Because what do you have to lose?

Some experts claim men who share intimate relationships with other men make better partners, as they’re less likely to have qualms about expressing themselves.

Expression doesn’t have to be physically awkward — nor does it have to show signs of weakness. Although women have found many ways to make their affections for one another known, men are still searching for the perfect way to share their feelings.

Until that perfect way is found, let the bromances live … and keep the eye-rolling to yourself.