LETTER: Veishea: celebratory holiday or show of stupidity

Is Veishea a celebration of intellect or stupidity?

In the course of my four years here at Iowa State, I have come to know Veishea as a sacred holiday of sorts, known only to people in close proximity to Iowa State. It is a celebration, all right — a celebration that celebrates one thing: alcohol.

This has been shown by the exorbitant number of arrests made, the totally foolish behavior of one jumping off a fourth floor balcony, and the use of pepper spray early Sunday morning. Whatever the original purpose of Veishea, I certainly don’t see it very clearly from my vantage point.

In total seriousness, the timing of Veishea couldn’t be worse. Not only is the weather too cold to enjoy, but also the end of the semester is approaching and professors (especially in my college) are assigning major projects and papers to be due the week after Veishea.

On the other hand, I did enjoy some exhibits in Coover Hall being displayed during Veishea. Learning about RC helicopters, for example, is really quite interesting.

However, this was overshadowed by almost being run into near Buchanan Hall by a crazy driver of one of those golfing carts that apparently don’t heed the red lights.

In any case, you make the decision.

Adam Lee


Computer engineering