Your Theater Guide

New this weekend

“Revolutionary Road” (R; 119 min)

romantic drama, Movies 12

“The Wrestler” (R; 109 min) drama,

Movies 12

“Watchmen” (R; 162 min) scientific thriller, Movies 12

“The Spirit” (PG-13; 102 min) action thriller, North Grand 5

“Bedtime Stories” (PG; 99 min) fantasy, North Grand 5

“Inkheart” (PG; 106 min) fantasy, North Grand 5

Ending Today:

“Bolt” 2D (PG; 103 min) comedy,

North Grand 5

“Rachel Getting Married” — CineArts

(R; 113 min) romantic drama, Movies 12

“Friday the 13th” (R; 98 min) thriller,

Movies 12

Still Playing:

“Confessions of a Shopaholic” (PG;

105 min) romantic comedy, Movies 12

“Coraline” 2D (PG; 101 min) fantasy,

Movies 12

“Fired Up” (PG-13; 90 min) comedy,

Movies 12

“Gran Torino” (R; 117 min) drama, Movies 12

“He’s just not that into You” (PG-13;

129 min) romantic comedy, Movies 12

“Paul Blart Mall Cop” (PG; 91 min) comedy, Movies 12

“Slumdog Millionaire” — CineArts (R;

113 min) Romantic Drama, Movies 12

“Taken” (PG-13; 91 min) thriller, Movies 12

“The International” (R; 118 min) thriller, Movies 12

“The Reader” –CineArts (R; 123 min) romantic drama, Movies 12

“Bride Wars” (PG; 87 min)

romantic comedy, North Grand 5

“Marley and Me” (PG; 115 min)

dramatic comedy, North Grand 5

“Seven Pounds” (PG-13; 123 min) drama, North Grand 5

“Twilight” (PG-13; 122 min)

horrific-romantic action, North Grand 5